From humble beginnings supplying nutritional products for flower production, to a world renowned chemical supplier, Grochem has plenty to celebrate.

Research and development of new sustainable products is the cornerstone of what we do. With 48 registered agrichemicals and many nutrition formulations here in New Zealand, 23 Australian registrations, four in South Africa and two under development in Chile, Grochem is totally committed to its product stewardship.

DateJune 2018Article25 years onWorking withGrochem

Over the last 25 years we’ve instilled a culture of listening to what growers need, researching to find the right solution, developing innovative, effective and environmentally sustainable options, and delivering affordable, quality products with proven results.

Through this approach we’ve been able to help meet the demands of New Zealand, Australia and South Africa’s horticultural industry and its consumers.

Thank you for being part of our journey over the last 25 years.

In June 2018 Grochem celebrated their quarter century surrounded by customers, suppliers, friends and family. The theme of the evening was turning silver and going for gold.

Read the story in the Orchardist here


Memorable firsts in our early days included a world first registration for:

  • Ammonium Thiosulphate or Thin-it for primary thinning of apples in 2003;
  • Blossom Bless, for fire blight control, was the first biological agent to be registered in 2006 under the new HSNO Act;
  • Ambitious gained a world first label claim for fruit sizing of apples in 2010, followed by registration registration for Psa suppression in kiwifruit;
  • Nordox gained registration for Psa control in 2013;
  • Bapsol 100 thinning product was introduced in 2011;
  • Meteor was registered in 2015, the “revolutionary secondary thinning chemistry for apples”.

25 years of industry innovation and growth

Grochem logo

15 Sunlight Grove
Porirua 5022
New Zealand
Freephone: 0800 447 624
Phone:  +64 4 237 0905

15 Sunlight Grove
Porirua 5022
New Zealand
Freephone: 0800 447 624
Phone:  +64 4 237 0905