
Natural sunburn protector that forms a barrier to minimise the impact of sunburn and heat stress damage. Contains: 90–100% Spirulina platensis in the form of a water soluble micro granule.

Garrison Rapid

Pruning wound dressing. For brush application to pruning wounds and grafting sealant on pomefruit, stonefruit and ornamental trees to reduce the incidence and extent of fungal invasion, including…

Grazer Guard

Grazer Guard is a bird deterrent used to prevent crop damage during sensitive periods on kiwifruit, grapes, berry fruit, grain and seed crops and seedling emergence. The product coats the surface and…

Kiwi Finish

A fully soluble powder for the correction of potassium deficiency. Contains: Nitrogen 6.4% Phosphorus 6.2%, Potassium 30.8%, Sulphur 2.7%, Magnesium 0.09%, Iron 0.14%, Manganese 0.06%, Zinc 0.06%,…


OrganiBOR is a slow release boron fertiliser suitable for use by home gardeners, commercial growers, farmers and foresters alike. Because of its slow release, it can be safely used in almost any…


Sunny is a plant growth regulator that acts by inhibiting gibberellin production. Its use will result in increased average fruit size and a reduction in vegetative growth. In well managed, healthy…

Tree-Doc 400SL

A systemic fungicide for the control of phytophthora & pythium root rots. Contains: 400g/litre phosphorous acid, present as the mono and di potassium salts, in the form of a soluble concentrate.